What is Deliverance?
Ultimately Freedom—it’s helping born again Spirit filled Christians get free from:
- Sexual Addictions (porn, same sex attraction, masturbation)
- Mental Torment (anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicide)
- Witchcraft-occult involvement and much more! We are in a time where Christians are hurting and in more bondage than ever. Christians cannot be Possessed, but they can be Oppressed, stuck, and ultimately in Bondage!!!
John 8:36 so if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.
What does the soul have to do with it?
Our soul is our mind will and emotions. This is our personality, when we are born again, our spirit man is made brand new. (2 Corinthians 2:17 and Colossians 1:13)
When we get saved our spirit is made new—however, our soul is in the process of sanctification. When we have sinned, or if someone sinned against us, and even our ancestor’s sin, it gives the enemy “a legal right” or an open door to our soul. This is where the battle is. And this is where the bondage is.
(2 Tim 2:26 that they would come to their senses, and escape the SNARE of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.)
3 John beloved I pray that you prosper in all things, and be in health, just as your SOUL prospers. We are snared in our soul, we do not prosper in that part of our life.
What did Jesus do and say to us about deliverance?
Mark 16:17 and these miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will DRIVE OUT DEMONS in the POWER OF MY NAME
Proverbs 24:11 deliver those who are drawn toward death And hold back those who totter to the slaughter, hold them back from their doom.
Jude 1:23 save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy but with fear, loathing even the clothing spotted and polluted by their shameless immoral freedom.
Isaiah 61:1 He sent me to bind up (wounds of) the brokenhearted, To proclaim release (from confinement and condemnation) to the (physical and spiritual) captives And freedom to prisoners
Jesus is our deliverer! But he has given us the power and authority to help those who are bound in his name. Luke 10:19
Who needs deliverance?
Anyone who feels stuck-snared or in complete bondage.
When you have done everything you know what to do: pray, fast, read the word, confess—you’ve gone up to the alter more times than you can count… YOU NEED TRUE AND LASTING FREEDOM!
Why is sex such a big thing?
1 Corinthians 6:15-16 AMP… don’t you know that your bodies belong to Christ as his body parts? Should one presume to take the members of Christ’s body and make them into members of a harlot? Absolutely not! Aren’t you aware of the fact that when anyone sleeps with a prostitute he becomes PART OF HER, and SHE BECOMES PART OF HIM? For it has been declared: THE TWO SHALL BECOME A SINGLE BODY.
Sex is a big thing to God. It allows demon/spirits legal rights and open doors in our soul.
Why understand the personalities & names of demons?
Just as Jesus named the deaf and dumb, the mute, the legion, and many other spirits. When you know WHO you’re fighting, you know the right tactics and strategies to win against the enemy.
Ephesian 6:11 amp your hand to hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage.
How do I stay free after deliverance?
Completely staying away from the things that can ensnare you again. (i.e: movies, netlix, being around the people who or places that snare you. Keeping your eyes clean and your heart pure. DAILY in the word, DAILY some kind of worship, DAILY repenting of things said, done or thought. DAILY taking EVERY thought captive, DAILY walking in the steps God has ordained you to walk in. Sometimes this can be hard, and this young generation doesn’t want to let go of those things that keep them in bondage. When wanting to get free, you have to be willing to let go, and let God!
Do you have more questions? I’d love to talk to you confidentially and help you personally!