Is the church walking in deception?

May 24, 2021

We as Christians have submitted our beliefs our lives to the enemy and to the
things of this world without even knowing it. My heart aches, when I see, read, and
hear when a born-again Christian has believed a person who has committed suicide
or has turned to a homosexuality lifestyle, or who has given into the addictions
that we immediately put a label on it. When our young people are dealing with
anxiety, fear, PTSD, and the thoughts, the voices in their heads that are so loud
they see no way out, but to take their own lives. We have fallen into the same
things the rest of the world has fallen into. Romans 12:2 do not conform to the
patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. It’s
a great scripture, isn’t it? Yet we have conformed. We have given in. Because the
church is leaving out 1/3 of the gospels, the epistles and have conformed to the
thinking, that the power of Christ and casting out demons has died with the
apostles. Come on—you either believe the word is true or you don’t. You cannot
pick and choose what fits into your lifestyle. The bible says when you make friends
with the world, you are an enemy to God. Ouch! James 4:4
Yes, Jesus said, there would be trouble in the world, suffering, and trials of all
kinds. So we take that as a badge of honor.
I have…Mental illness-PTSD I have…an addiction I was born this way,
I am___________you put a label on it.
There are preachers, books, sermons. Podcasts all over the internet on the
symptoms, the problems we have, the curses we may be under. And they are all
right. However, there never seems to be a way out, except the same scripture and
the same prayers we’ve heard for years.
I heard a saying the other day, “If you keep doing the same thing you’ve always
done, you will keep getting the same results you’ve always had.” Hmmm, looks like
the Christian community.

  1. We can do all things thru Christ who strengthens us
  2. God is for us, who can be against us
  3. We are more than conquers
  4. We are fearfully and wonderfully made.
  5. For I know the plans I have for you
    Now I know you’re thinking, Monica, you sound like you’re trashing the bible,
    Absolutely not! Those scriptures are exceptional scriptures, and they are all truth.
    But guys, guess what? They are not the only scriptures in the word. We’ve got 2/3
    the bible right, but we seem to forget, God is a jealous God, He is for justice, He
    says He wants obedience over sacrifice. He is to be feared and reverenced. But we
    believe the lies, the deception and fear of demons, instead of the true fear of the
    Lord. We have watered down the scriptures so much that even the truth is hard
    for us to believe. We have believed the person up on stage instead of believing
    what God says. If the person up there says its truth, well it must be true. If he
    says it’s not true, well I guess it’s not true, Hosea 3:6 says, my people will
    perish for the lack of knowledge, well we are perishing in our sins, our own
    unbelief, and our own pain.
    Have you ever read what 2 timothy 2:26…and that they will come to their
    senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them
    captive to do his will.
    Ephesian 6:12 we do not fight against flesh and blood but against
    principalities, powers, rulers, and spiritual host of wickedness.
    Do you know who they are? Do you realize, those are kingdoms we fight, yet,
    we know very little about them. Why? Because we are taught not to study
    the devil. Don’t acknowledge him.
    Seriously? God said do not be ignorant of his devices, and to know the
    strategies and tactics of the enemy. To Put-On our weaponry each and every
    day. Eph 6
    2 Corinthian 6:12-16 4  do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what
    partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light
    with darkness?  15  What accord has Christ with Belial?  Or what portion does a
    believer share with an unbeliever?  16  What agreement has the temple of God
    with idols? For we are the temple of the living God;
    Hmmm. (these are all Legal Rights)
    What about Luke 10:19, Jesus says I give you power and authority over
    all the works of the enemy.

Mathew 10:1 Jesus summoned his twelve disciples and gave them
authority and power over unclean spirits to cast out, and to heal every
kind of disease and every kind of sickness.
Acts 5:15, Peters shadow cast out sickness and tormenting spirits. Acts
8:7 for shrieks impure spirits came out of many and were paralyzed were
Acts 9:17 something like scales came off Saul’s eyes, Acts 13:6-12,
Acts 16:16, the spirit of python (witchcraft) Acts 19:11 Paul used
handkerchiefs to cast out demons, Acts 19:13-16 transferring spirits.
And so many more, in James, peter, Jude, Revelation. There is a pattern in
the word of God we have turned a blind eye to, we have acted like this
happens in other countries, this only happens to murders, psycho paths, and
people in the world. Yep, and Christians to!
I really want you to hear my heart. I am in no way judging any one, or making
fun. I am just saddened by what’s happening to Gods people, where are all of
our young people in church? I see less and less in every church I go to.
Why? Our young adults, children and teens are hurting, crying out for help,
and the place they should receive it the most is the last place they are
getting it.
We are watering down the word of God, we are allowing the things of the
dark to penetrate into our places of worship, and our idolatry is highlighted
instead of torn down. Our churches are filled with men and women up on
stage leading us into worship then going home to the unimaginable in the
dark, saying to themselves, this will be the last time, and the devil turns up
the dial one more notch. We have caved, failed and have been deceived to

  1. A person is born gay—NOPE!
  2. A mental illness can’t be healed, WRONG!
  3. Suffering is from God to teach us something, REALLY?
  4. Addiction can only be handled or taken under control.
  5. It’s just the flesh! Umm if it keeps taking you to the same place over and
    over again, no matter how much you’ve prayed, confessed and fasted… If
    it’s the flesh you crucify it, if it’s a demon you cast it out!
  6. It’s the “cross I am to bear”—we all have weakness’, but if it controls its
    and entity
  7. I have a thorn in my side ( by the way is a “messenger” from Satan))
    Let’s look deeper in the scriptures, let’s take it for what is says, and believe, that
    just maybe it is actually means what it says. A principality, power, ruler or host.
    Why would God,
    Acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit
    and with great power; and He went around doing good and healing all who
    were oppressed by the devil, because God was with Him.

 (oppressed means: persecute, abuse, treat harshly, be brutal
to, be cruel, tyrannize, crush, repress, suppress, 
subdue, subject, enslave; exploit, hold down, keep down, grind
down, rule with a rod of iron, rule with an iron hand, trample
on, trample underfoot, bring someone to their knees, ride
roughshod over; informal walk all over.)
Do you deal with any of these?
What is a Snare? One with having a wire or noose or cord, a thing
likely to lure or temp someone into harm or error: (catch or trap). 2
Tim 2:26
Ensnarement- Oppression -Bondage or Possession

Luke 10:19, he gave us power and authority over ALL the works of the devil
So, the pain, suffering, sexual depravity, suicide, hopelessness, pain, is from God?
Or because we live in a broken world? No, we have an enemy that hates us. He
despises us, and will do all that he can to keep us from becoming what God intended
us to become.
My heart is broken every day when a parent, a young man or woman has fought
their whole life against the temptation of same sex attraction. When the battle is
just too much to bear anymore and they feel like they have no choice but to give in.
When they have prayed, God take this from me, God help me, and God if this isn’t
from you then why are my feelings so strong? God help with the voices in my head,
God help me with this pain, its overwhelming, it too much for me. We pray for
people who have been sexually or physically abused, and then tell them get over it,
don’t be led by your feelings. It was a long time ago. Yet they are in such emotional
pain they live in shame, guilt and the lies of the enemy. They bury it and feel bad
because they can’t seem to do what they are supposed to do.

We have this saying, God never give us more than we can handle. What! Are you
kidding me! Where does it say that? No, it says…
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to
man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you
are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you
may be able to bear it.
He will always give us more that we can handle or bear, why? Because He wants us to lean on him and in those
unbearable places He gives us His strength and power, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
He wants us to trust him with more, to do more than we think we can. Its faith. He gives us the grace. The
harder the assignment, the more grace He pours out. James 1:2-3 says to consider it all joy when you go
through test and trial of all sorts. Joy, what! But tests and trails are not ensnarement of the enemy. Tests and
trials are to strengthen our faith, to give us perseverance and endurance, and to mature in Christ. When
things have happened to us, the enemy has gotten legal rights, and he has taken advantage of us through
generational sins, sins against us, or trauma and our own sins. We must break free. We have not talked about
agreements or legal rights with the enemy, or taught on bondage, and ensnarement much. And I believe
because of ignorance, fear, or plain old unbelief. But it’s time we start pulling up our bootstraps and sharpen
our weapons to help set the captives free.
How? You have to look at the word of God through the beginning to end. Let me surprise you, from Genesis to
Revelation we have an enemy. We have a kingdom that hates us and he will do everything he can to destroy us.
John 10:10 the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, I have come to bring life, and life more
He comes to torment, he comes to
STEAL: our identity-confidence and purity
KILL: our dreams-visions
DESTROY: our relationships-our destiny and ultimately our relationship with God.
Because the fight seems to be too big, or the pain is too overwhelming, we just lay down our weapons and
surrender and just except the lies.
“My child was born this way”,” anxiety, fear has always been in my family”, and “addictions is part of my blood
YES! You are 100% correct. Leviticus 26:40 you have to repent of your sins and the sins of your ancestors.
Exodus 34 that the sins of the fathers goes to the 3 rd and 4 th generation.
“My dad had cancer, I guess I’ll have it too.” “My mom was bi/polar, I will be depressed too.” “I am addicted to
porn,” I guess I’m just not strong enough to quit on my own.” Maybe incest was in your family, or adultery from
a great grandfather which opened a door of sexual depravity, abortion opens the door to death and murder. He
will kill and murder your dreams and bring in death, suicide, and mental anguish, to you and your children. Satan
doesn’t play fair, he doesn’t care who you are, or where you came from. He just wants to destroy us and bring
spiritual death so we are not able to fulfil the dreams and vision God has placed on us. He doesn’t care if you
believe or not. Actually its better you don’t, he then has the upper hand. How about a little dabble in
witchcraft? Horoscope, harry potter, I only played with Ouija board once. I didn’t believe when I had my palm
read. Satan doesn’t care, he just knows you’re curious, and that’s all he needs. A little yoga, oh now, come on, “I
just do it for exercise” (study what those poses mean, whether you believe or not).
So how do I know if it’s the enemy or just me? Good question…
If you can’t stop what you’re doing, no matter how hard you tried, the depression is relentless, the temptation
gets stronger and stronger no matter what you do, “I am having terrible nightmares”, “I am self-harming”, “the
voices”, “the thoughts I can’t seem to let it go.” Then you are most surly in bondage. If it’s stealing, killing, or
destroying your life, relationship with God and dreams. You are likely snared.

When we see someone with an addiction or sin problem we tend to think they can just stop, just quit doing
what you’re doing. But what you are seeing is the fruit. And like any fruit on the tree, when it’s picked off, it
will grow back, because it has a root.
Every tree that has fruit has branches, a trunk and roots that go very deep. And depending on the sin, the
temptation, and the involvement. The roots can go hundreds of feet deep and can expand in the soil where no
one can see them.
When we go up for prayer, when we ask God to help us-we are dealing with the fruit. Sexual sin, mental illness,
anxiety fear, anger, rejection, you feel better for a while—right? But guess what? Fruit always grows back
when there is a root.
Roots are

  1. Ancestor & Generational sins and curses
  2. All types of witchcraft
  3. Sexual immorality
  4. Abortion’
  5. Sins against us
  6. Trauma
  7. Abandonment

These are roots. And roots are where the enemy: the devil, accuser, deceiver, destroyer, liar, murder lives.
And in those roots, there is kingdoms, fortress, strongholds with princes, chiefs, rulers, armies, and all forms
of evil, depravity and wickedness that plots, ploys and lives.
Ephesians 6:12 principality-power, rulers, spiritual hosts
John 10:10 devil comes to steal-kill-destroy.
1Corinthian 10:6 take every thought captive ( every means: every)
Mark-Mathew-Luke. 1/3 of Jesus and the apostles ministry was casting out demons. They were showing us how,
telling us—you have an enemy, and the enemy lives in the church. Now I can hear, a Christian cannot be
possessed! You are correct, however thy can be ensnared, oppressed and in plain old bondage! We can get so
hooked up on that word possessed, that we completely lose sight that a Christian is in totally bondage.
We are a 3 part being, Sprits-Soul-Body
1 Thessalonians 5:23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you
completely and may your SPIRIT-SOUL-BODY be preserved blameless at
the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
Sanctified = Process of Cleansing, purification, and this happens in our soul
Sanctification+ The renewal of the soul.
Our soul is our MIND WILL & EMOTIONS. We are praying for our spirits and our
body, but we are leaving out the most important part US!
2 Corinthians 2:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new
creation, old things passed away, behold all things have become new.
Understanding the soul helps in explaining to people about how a believer can be
ensnared- oppressed or just plain old BONDAGE!

A believer cannot be possessed, but they can be demonized, or be in bondage to
the enemy
Jesus called us to go into all the world to do what?
Be fearful?
Just be who you are without any change?
Sin, I can ask for forgiveness later, I’m under grace
This is just who I am? I can’t change
Are we to just lay down and allow all these things to happen us?
NO! We are overcomers—overcome what? The devil
We are more than conquers—to conquer what? The enemy
We have been given weapons-why? To fight!
So how do we do this?
We can read our bible, confess the word, pray all we want; but it will not defeat
the strategies and tactics of the devil. Yes, it will change your inner man, but it
doesn’t get rid of the snare of the enemy. Jesus gave us the Power-Authority-and
the Weapons to fight and win!
Jesus came to destroy the works of the enemy. But we are still in a battle every
day for our lives, our family, our marriages and our destiny.
Your child or you were not meant to be homosexual. To have Mental illness, anxiety.
PTSD is not something you have to live with or just control with meds.
Drugs, alcohol, sexual addictions is not your future.
BUT you must get rid of the ROOTS. Get rid of the snares, the bondage, and the
generational sins. Guys you really-really can be free. But it will be a battle for your
soul. It will be an all-out fight, but I’ll guarantee you can be free from all
oppression, ensnarement, and bondage from the enemy. Let’s know the tactics and
strategies, and understand his ways, instead of sticking our heads in the sand and
hoping, it will go away and believing this is part of our destiny, this is Gods will for
my life.
Hogwash! It’s the devil, 100%- why not get rid of him and the demons that are
controlling you and walk in total freedom? Walk in the call and the life Jesus truly
died for us?
It’s about time we start reaching into the fire, the flames, the filth and depravity
and help those who are crying out for help.
How can I boldly say this?

I’ve seen over 200+ people free in the past 3 years, from sexual addictions, mental
illness, suicide, witchcraft, homosexuality lifestyle, and more.
And I too have gone through deliverance and have been set free for over 20 years
of complete freedom.
We have an enemy—but we can defeat him when we learn his ways, understand his
tactics and find the open doors in our life to make him go once and for all.
Deliverance is—Setting and Being Set Free!